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Human DESIGN With Jen

Aligning you with your Spirit
because it's your birth right

My Human Design Reading sessions offer an explanation of who you uniquely are in terms of your characteristics, and guide you to live your truth and fulfill your life purpose.

Credit: NASA's Webb on the birth of sun-like stars


We start with the Human Design Foundation Reading to support you in deeply understanding and aligning with your authentic self. Building on this foundation, we can then go into any of the other readings to empower you to fulfill your life purpose across your life chapters, through successful relationships, environments, and well-being.


Foundation Reading - Who You Truly Are

We explore how you make decisions, what innate traits you have, where you can be influenced, and what role you are here to play as your true self.


Incarnation Cross Reading - Your Life Purpose

We learn about your purpose and the environment for you to achieve your purpose, and we support you in taking your next steps.


Cycle Returns Reading - Your Life Chapters

We discover and navigate the themes of each life chapter (your 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's) and how they shape your journey in fulfilling your purpose.


Solar Returns Reading - The Years of Your Life

We zoom in on a past, present, or future year of your life to understand and process the themes of possible challenges and opportunities that year.


Connection Reading - Your Relationships

We look at the mechanics of your relationship with your partner, parent, kid, friend, colleague, etc, and how to successfully be in relationship with them.


Four Transformations Reading - Your Path to Awareness

We explore how you digest food and information, what environment nourishes you, how you view the world, and what motivates you, for you to live authentically.


DreamRave Reading - Your Sleep & Dreams

We help improve your sleep, and understand how your dreams and their patterns and messages can influence you in how you can live authentically.

This is a Human Design chart, which is an outline of a person with geometric shapes called centers, each with a distinct function.

Why get a Human Design Reading?

Human â€‹Design is a system about what it means to be human and uniquely you. It can offer you perspectives about who you are, for you to experiment and discover what truly resonates with you, to support you in live authentically.


Human Design helps you...


  1. love yourself as you are.​

  2. identify and appreciate your innateness.

  3. see the signposts for living authentically vs not.

  4. make authentic decisions with your body.

  5. align with your motivation.

  6. fulfill your life purpose.

  7. navigate the mechanics of your relationships and their influences.

  8. accept and witness humanity as is, with curiosity and empathy.

  9. improve one-third of your life - your sleep.

  10. digest food and information based on your unique needs.


...and more.


Personally, thanks to Human Design, 

  • I grew in my awareness and love for who I fundamentally am.

  • I appreciate my innate characteristics, their gifts, and lessons.

  • My signposts help me focus on what matters, and make authentic decisions in alignment with my true motivation and life purpose.

  • I accept more of my family, friends/colleagues, and humanity, and enhanced my personalized communications with them.

  • I courageously experiment with my sleep and digestion for my health.



“Jen gave me my human design reading. I very much appreciated her deep understanding and knowledge. Her skills are invaluable, and I knew I am in good hands with her and could trust her beyond measures. She made concepts and diagrams that were hard for me to navigate easy to understand. Jen simplified terms and concepts with beautiful language. She was so patient with my many questions and dedicated time for me.


I received detailed comprehensive reports, that I could review and retain and further contemplate and refer back, as the reading revealed treasures of valuable information. The report held everything we talked about and was a report of who I am. I was awestruck by how it described me with such accuracy and how much it resonated with me. Jen’s reading of my profile showed her investment and dedication. She did not just explain my profile but traveled along with me the journey on discovering who I really am by design. She was as curious and in awe as I was. 


The reading was enjoyable. I really enjoyed listening to Jen’s explanations/teachings and I likewise enjoyed sharing my thoughts and reflections. I grew through this reading. It was eye opening and it gave me relieve through understanding myself, my traits, my gifts, my purpose in life and most importantly, I learned how to listen to myself.


I came out knowing that I can trust myself. This was the biggest gift.”​


​​​Dalia Gamal Elimam, MD, PhD, EEM-CLP,

Clinical Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, Eden Method Teacher
IHDS Human Design Analyst certification


New to Human Design?
Start with your Human Design Foundation Reading, which is the prerequisite for all other readings. Please go to the overview below.


Ready for Your Next Reading?

Take a look at the overviews for the other readings, after your Foundation Reading.


How to Book a Reading?
Click on a button below to book your Human Design Reading. Note, a reading takes me 2 weeks to prepare, so we can schedule our sessions in ~2 weeks time.

Foundation Reading: Who You Truly Are

The goal of the Foundation Reading is to help you understand who you are as a unique human being, so you can live authentically. 

​Sometimes, we aren't living as our true selves because we are living up to the expectations of others and society. So this reading of your Human Design chart helps you discover who you truly are, starting with how you make decisions. You have an ideal decision making model that enables you to live in alignment with your “definition”, i.e. who you truly are. Complementing your definition is your “openness”, where you can be influenced by others in ways that distract you from being your authentic self, or in ways where you gain wisdom. Through your definition and openness, you are here to play a role. 


Understanding these key components - who you truly are, how you make decisions, where you can be influenced, and what role you are here to play - empowers you to living uniquely you.


  • Prerequisite: Your birth data (date, hour, minute, city, country) for your Human Design. If you don’t know exactly, try your best and let me know your confidence level.

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with making decisions.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session

Human Design Foundation Reading - The 9 Centers image
Incarnation CROSS Reading: Your life Purpose

The goal of the Incarnation Cross Reading is to give you a sense of your unique life purpose by showing you a) the costume you are here to wear and roleplay in this lifetime, and b) the road you travel in this costume. 

When your costume fits you well, then you are fulfilling your purpose. To make your costume fit well, you can live authentically as yourself by applying your decision making model from the Foundation Reading. This then becomes your unique incarnation and contribution to humanity. 

From this reading, you can take away, in the words of the Human Design founder and messenger Ra Uru Hu, “Aha, this is my direction in life; this is the way I‘m supposed to look going down the road. And if I follow my design and I practice my Strategy & Authority, then I‘m going to see step-by-step that ah, this is the road, aha. And obviously, I’m dressed properly. I can feel it.”


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with your purpose.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design Incarnation Cross Reading
Cycle Return Reading: Your Life Chapters

A Cycle Return is a major chapter of your life. The goal of a Cycle Return Reading is to show you the long-term themes of potential challenges and opportunities that can arise for you during a Cycle Return, and how these themes can help you fulfill your life purpose.


Please select which Cycle Return(s) you want a reading for:​​​

Age ~30

Age ~40

Age ~50

Age ~60

Cycle Return


1st Saturn Return



Uranus Opposition



Chiron Return



2nd Saturn Return​

From age














This marks the end of your childhood and the beginning of your adulthood, where you can move into a different environment with a different view of the world.


This can feel like a mid-life crisis, yet it serves to help you break out of a restrictive lifestyle and make radical changes to live as your true self.


This is the time for you to master who you truly are and to fulfill your life purpose, building on your past experiences and learnings.


This may introduce limitations to support you in the discipline of fully living as your true self.

Each chapter gives you a different role, purpose, and environment for you to learn. These can be signposts that guide you and shape how you can achieve your life purpose. During a Cycle Return, there may be people entering your life with whom you can interact to learn specific themes from them. It is beneficial for you to apply your decision making model to decide what steps to take to live your life purpose.


You can have a Cycle Return Reading 3.5 years before the return starts to help you prepare for the themes, OR anytime during the current return to help you process what has happened and understand the potential challenges and opportunities.


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with the themes.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design Cycle Return Reading
Solar Return Reading: The Years of your Life

The goal of a Solar Return Reading is to show you the themes that can arise for you during a Solar Return, which starts 3 months before your birthday and ends a year after your birthday. These themes can bring potential challenges and opportunities during your Solar Return, and you can prepare for these themes.

This reading is like your annual weather report with the temperature, precipitation, and wind metaphorically representing your environment, education to learn, and the people coming into your life during your Solar Return. Applying your decision making model can determine which environments, education, and people are for you to engage with. Otherwise, you may get stuck trying to deal with the entire weather report, as not all of that is for you.


You can either have this reading 3 months (recommended) before your next birthday, so you can prepare for the themes before your next Solar Return starts, OR anytime during your current Solar Return to help you process what has happened and understand the potential challenges and opportunities.


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with the themes.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design Solar Return Reading - Happy Birthday!
Connection Reading: your Relationships

This is a reading about the relationship between two people. This can be you and your partner/spouse, child, parent, relative, friend, colleague, business partner, neighbor, or anyone whom you have a relationship with. ​

​​The goal of a Connection Reading is to show you both who you are in relationship to each other, and to help you both accept your relationship and each other as unique human beings. 


In this reading, we explore the similarities and differences between you, who dominates or compromises the other and where in the relationship, and where you both have sparks of attraction and tension. This reading can help you both see and affirm the gifts and challenges of your relationship, so you both can acknowledge the parts of the relationship that may not work well, and focus on the ingredients of success for your relationship to enjoy the benefits.


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Readings for you & the other person (recommended).

    • ​The other person's birth data (date, hour, minute, city, country). If they don’t know exactly, have them try their best and let me know their confidence level.

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with the relationship.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design Connections Reading - Family photo
Four Transformations Reading: your Path to Awareness

The goal of a Four Transformations Reading is to help you experiment and align with your body’s natural way of digesting of food and information, an environment that is natural for you to meet the people for you, your unique perspective of how you view the world, and your true motivation - in order to live authentically to fulfill your life purpose.


​We look at the four steps of Transformation, which includes your Variables (the left/right arrows in your Human Design chart):

  1. ​Digestion: In this reading, we start with your body’s digestion in terms of what and how you take in food and information, relative to your body’s activity level. Your natural dietary regimen is the first of the Four Transformations for developing your cognition on your path to becoming fully aware.

  2. Environment: Then we explore the characteristics of an environment that is natural for you to meet people, and how you can interact with others in this environment. This is also the environment in which you can fulfill your life purpose.

  3. Perspective: When you practice your body’s natural dietary regimen in your natural environment, then you can view the world from your unique lens to help you fulfill your life purpose.

  4. Motivation: This perspective can then enable you to take action and learn from your true motivation, so you can live in your full awareness as a role model with authentic messages for others.


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.​

  • Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you experiment with your dietary regimen and environment.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design Variables & Four Transformation Reading - Your Digestion
DreamRave Reading: your Sleep & Dreams

The goal of a DreamRave Reading is to help you improve your sleep, and understand how your dreams can influence you during your waking moments to support you in living authentically. 

In this reading, we look at your Human Design's DreamRave chart which represents your sleep and dreams.


With your DreamRave chart, we explore and experiment with your sleep routine, from getting ready for bed to waking up and recording your dreams. Then we look at how your dreams can influence you away from and/or towards living as your true self. This reading can also help you become aware of and understand the patterns and messages in your dreams and their impact on your day to day. These can be signposts that guide you during your waking moments to live authentically.​


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.

    • If you don’t sleep alone, please provide the birth data (date, hour, minute, city, country) of the person(s) you sleep with for their Human Design and DreamRave. If they don’t know exactly, have them try their best and let me know their confidence level.

    Duration: Two 1.5-hr sessions on Zoom that are ~1 week apart.

    • In between, you digest the reading and experiment with your sleep routine.

  • You Get: A detailed written report, presentation slides, & session recordings.

  • Energy Exchange: $250 per session.

Human Design DreamRave Reading - Your Sleep & Dreams
Human Design Integration SESSION:
Coaching you to live uniquely you

I deliver a substantial amount of key points and rich details in a reading. To help you process and apply this information and your learnings from a reading into your daily life, I offer coaching sessions on:

  1. Making authentic decisions.

  2. Deeply connecting with your innateness and living it.

  3. Becoming aware of other people’s influences and the impact.

  4. Letting go of the fears and influences of distraction.

  5. Living your life purpose.

  6. Navigating your Solar Returns and Cycle Returns.

  7. Understanding and improving your relationship with another person.

  8. Experimenting with your dietary regimen, relative to your activity level.

  9. Finding your natural environment to meet the people for you.

  10. Aligning with your true motivation from your unique lens.

  11. Improving your sleep.

  12. Identifying your dream’s influences in your waking moments.


Successful coaching engagements are usually biweekly for 6 months with clearly defined goals that empower you to be uniquely you. Each coaching session focuses on a topic related to your Human Design goals.


  • Prerequisite: Foundation Reading.​

  • Duration: 30-min or 1-hr session, biweekly or monthly on Zoom.​

  • You Get: Concrete actions to support you in living authentically.

  • Energy Exchange: $125 per 30-min session, or $250 per 1-hr session.

Human Design chart
Human Design Reading Gift Certificate

You are welcome to purchase a Human Design Reading Gift Certificate to gift someone with a Human Design Reading and  support them in understanding who they truly and uniquely are.


Your powerful and purposeful gift can help the person you care about to let go of what no longer serves them so they can live authentically to fulfill their life purpose.


  • You Get: A gift certificate for a Human Design Reading.

  • Energy Exchange: The price of your selected reading.

Human Design Reading Gift Certificate - Gift photo

Book Your Human Design Reading with Jen

Please submit the form below to let me know the Human Design Readings you want, and what areas of your life you would like support in. Then we can discuss and arrange the next steps.

Contact Jen

Please submit this form to let me know what support you are looking for. Then we can set up time to chat about your needs and next steps.

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