ENERGY Balancing
Together, we support your body and energy in these focus areas, as they pertain to your goals and needs:
Strengthening your energy systems
We cleanse and strengthen your body's Aura, Meridians including Radiant Circuits, Five Elements, Chakras, Electrics, and Grid.
Aligning your mind and body
As you work towards your goals, we align your body's energy to your mind's new perspectives about who you are, your health, career, relationships, etc.
Recovering faster from stress
We reduce the stress buildup by bringing calm to your mind and body, and increasing your resilience to stress.
Managing pain and discomfort
When a body part hurts, the energy there is congested like a stuffed nose. We make space in the body for your energy to flow freely to reduce pain.
Increasing joy and fulfillment
When life is challenging, you may feel low energy. We stabilize emotions, connect with joy, increase vitality, and align you with your life purpose.
Exploring generational issues
We address generational issues (or another lifetime's issues depending on your beliefs) that are affecting your body's energy.
How do our Energy Balancing sessions work?
Session: 1.5 hour, fully clothed on a massage table
Frequency: Biweekly
Location: My office or on Zoom​
At the start of a session: You set an intention for what you would like to receive from the session. Example intentions include feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, reducing pain, working through digestive issues, or letting go of grief. ​​
During a session: We assess how well your energy flows through your body, e.g. whether you are grounded, or whether your energy is flowing backwards due to stress. Based on the assessment, we balance and strengthen your body’s energy systems like your aura and meridians, primarily using Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine techniques. This involves stretching, tapping, and holding the body.
At the end of a session: There are concrete techniques that you can do to help you further integrate the changes we made and establish healthy energetic patterns in between sessions.

Why get an Energy Balancing session?
​​​​​Your energy needs regular cleansing and replenishing like your body. Otherwise, stress piles up, and you have less energy to get through each day.
While you recharge on your own through e.g. sleep and rest, Energy Balancing sessions allow your body to regularly receive professional care for reducing the buildup of stressful energy from life challenges, and for rejuvenating your energy so you can sustainably live in a healthy body.
Energy Balancing supports your physical, mental, and emotional health. For example, Energy Balancing can help reduce physical pain, improve mental focus, and calm emotions.
The body has multiple core energy systems that work together with the anatomy to help the body function. For example, the space around your body, up to an arm’s length away, is your Aura. Through your Aura, you can pick up information like sensing someone behind you. A healthy Aura is like a shield around your body. Otherwise, you may easily be influenced by others with a very loose boundary between yourself and others. Energy Balancing can assess and strengthen your Aura. Energy Balancing can also improve the strength and patterns of your other energy systems, e.g. evolving your stress response system so you don’t go into fight, flight, or freeze mode for non-life threatening situations.
Personally, Energy Balancing helped me overcome several health issues in conjunction with medical care and in cases where medical care didn’t diagnose the causes and provide remedies. Energy Balancing taught me the body’s natural language for communicating with my energy and strengthening it. Now I have a deeper layer of understanding what my body is trying to tell me when I notice a bodily sensation.

What systems do we work with in Energy Balancing sessions?
The key energy systems we start with are the Aura, Meridians, Five Elements, Chakras, Electrics, and then eventually Grid.
Image Credits: Eden Method, Microsoft Copilot

The Aura is the space around your body, up to an arm’s length away, taking in and shielding you from the environment.
The Aura is how you can sense someone behind you, or how others can sense your energy before you enter a room.
Dr. Harold Burr, Professor of Anatomy at the Yale University School of Medicine and researcher of bioelectrics, published the discovery of steady state bioelectric potential gradients and fields measured about ¼ to ½ mm outside of chick embryos, which is the Aura.
Energy Balancing can strengthen the Aura to protect your body in familiar or new environments.

The Meridians are pathways of acupuncture points that run along the body.
Some Meridians support organs, e.g. the Liver Meridian supports the liver. Other Meridians, known as Extraordinary Vessels or Radiant Circuits, function like reservoirs supplying energy to other meridians.
While ancient Chinese text anatomically documented acupuncture points, science is catching up with meridian research studies that detected the Primo Vascular System (PVS), which is the Meridians, in rats and pigs via radioactive dyes. The PVS consists of Primo Nodes (acupuncture points) connected by Primo Vessels (pathways).
Energy Balancing uses the hands, not needles, to balance the Meridians.

Five Elements
The Five Elements are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, & Metal, which you find in nature, along with their relationships, e.g. Water helps Wood like trees grow, and Water controls Fire by putting it out.
Each Element has physical and behavioral characteristics when it is balanced or not. For example, Water is associated with the bodily fluids, the Kidney & Bladder Meridians, and the emotions of fear and courage. When Water is unbalanced in the body, there may be issues with bodily fluids, kidneys, or bladder, like feeling nervous and needing to use the bathroom.
Energy Balancing helps balance each Element and their relationships to bring harmony to the body.

The Chakras are areas of the body that move stale energy out and fresh energy in to support the respective Meridians, organs, and surrounding Aura.
There are several major chakras located from the base of the spine to the top of the head: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, & Crown Chakras.
While ancient Hindu text like the Vedas documented the Chakras, science is catching up with chakra research studies that measured electromagnetic frequency bands emitted by the major chakras.
Energy Balancing can cleanse and strengthen the Chakras.

The Electrics are the electrical energy running through the body that supports all the other energy systems.
The body’s cells carry electrical charge. For example, the heart generates electrical activity, as measured by an EKG.
Or you may have felt a static electric shock when you touched someone, because your body collected extra electrical charge, e.g. from rubbing socks on the carpet, and transferred the extra charge upon touch. Even when resting, science measured that the adult human body generates electrical energy equivalent to a 100-Watt light bulb.
Energy Balancing works with the Electrics points on the body to balance the electrical energy.

The Grid is the foundation that all the other energy systems sit on top of.
The Grid is like the rebar of the foundation of a house. It is vital for the body to have a strong foundation.
Trauma, stress, and shock can cause a break in the rebar, such that the energy systems sitting on top of the Grid need to adapt and work harder to compensate for a break in the foundation.
Energy Balancing can energetically repair the Grid so that the Meridians, Chakras, Electrics, etc can operate effectively.